Best heart rate to burn fat
The graph gives you an easy guide to show what you increase when conducting cardio exercises at different heart intensity levels. Best heart rate for burning fat is the fat burning zone 65 - 70% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). In the heart rate chart, it states that we need to exercise for 30 minutes continuously at the heart rate zone of 60%-70% in order to burn fat more efficiently. In order to burn more fat, you first need to identify your correct heart rate fat burning level. Please follow these steps below to work out the calculation. Step 1 Minus your age from 220 220 - your age = MHR Step 2 Once you have the personal MHR, you need calculate your heart rate exercise percentage. This way; 90% = Your MHR x 0.9 = 90% your personal exercise heart rate 60% = Your MHR x 0.6 = 60% your personal exercise heart rate Now you have your personalized percentages. In order to burn fat you should complete c...