9 things you need consider to achieve the legs you want

1: Time Under Tension.
Do one Front squat for 10 seconds going down, pausing for 2 seconds in the bottom, come up as fast possible. Rerack the bar and using the same weight, move on to back squats with the same tempo. Rest 3 minutes. Repeat six more rounds. Use your 6 R.M. front squat as a starting weight.

2: Snatch Deadlifts From a Deficit with Pauses.
Take the bar and deadlift from a deficit using a snatch grip. Use a slow tempo of 3 seconds to bring the bar up to just under the knee caps. Stay there for another 3 seconds. Finish the movement, do 5 rounds of 3 repetition with a constant load. Only increase the load if you can do all three reps for the sets.

3: Heavy Squats, Loaded Squat Jumps Complex
Do a full back squat of 6 R.M., rest 10 seconds, do six explosive loaded squat jumps with 20% of the load you did on back squats. Make sure you go all way down before exploding up. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Do 5 total rounds.

4: Deficit Deadlifts/Drop Lunges Complexes
Do a deficit deadlift for 6 R.M. Move the bar out of the way. Grab a pair of dumbbells and do 12 lunges per leg. Take 3 minutes rest between rounds.

5: 2 Minutes Leg Presses
Take a weight that you can press for 2 minutes straight. Do 3 total rounds, rest 4 minutes between rounds.

6: Heavy Squats, Hurdle Jumps Complex
Do a full back squat for 6 R.M., rest 10 seconds, then jump consecutively over 6 hurdles. Set the hurdles so that you have about 10 cm of clearance. You don’t want to make them so high that you can`t jump over them. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. Do 5 total rounds.

7: Alternate Between Heavy Partials Squats and Full Range Squats
Set a power rack so the pins are at the bottom of rib cage when standing with the feet at shoulder width. Do a heavy partial squats of 3-5 reps where the bar is paused on the pins for 2 seconds. It will force you to overcome inertia on every rep. Rest 10 seconds then do a full back squat for 6 R.M. Rest 3 minutes between rounds. The heavy partials squats will fool your nervous system in finding the 6 R.M. light. Do 4 to 5 rounds.

8: High Rep Dumbbell Deadlifts.
Do 50 reps of dumbbell deadlifts, for 3 rounds. The key is that you pause the dumbbells on the floor. A rep is only counted if the both dumbbells make a brief contact with the ground. 

9: Powerful triple set
Front Squats 4-6 reps. Rest 10 seconds, then move to next exercise. Hack Squats for 1 round of 6-8 reps, rest 10 seconds, then move to next exercise. 45-Degree Leg Presses for 1 round of 12-15 reps. Rest 3 minutes, repeat the for 3 rounds.


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